2014 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 2nd week, Trinity 2014 (2014-05-07)Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Anna Hufton (Dr. WHO), Joe Mansour (Dr. WHO), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Caitlin Tickell (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Isaac Rose (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Sam Bumby (Access and Admissions Officer), Anonymous (Access and Admissions Officer), Robert Walmsley (Affiliations Officer), Nina Plowfields (Affiliations Officer), Henry Wisbey-Broom (Charities and RAG Officer), Aisha Simon (Charities and RAG Officer), Colm Britchfield (Design & Maintenance Officer), James Kavanagh (Design & Maintenance Officer), Elizabeth Tulloch (Student Disabilities Officer), Alex Cheng (Entz Officer), Kelly Brotherhood (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Environment & Ethics Officer), Rivka Micklethwaite (Environment & Ethics Officer), Holly Marriott-Webb (John de Balliol), Harry Rimmer (John de Balliol), Thomas Posa (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Eniola Oyesanya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Ian McFarlane (LGBTQ Officer), Alastair Bassett (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (Website & Computing Officer), Izzy Williams (Women's Officer), Claudia Freemantle (Women's Officer)
- Matters Arising
- Agenda
- Opt-in donations [Dan]
- Mooncup workshops [Rivka]
- Freshers week committee [Krista]
- Matters Arising
Dan is worried about attendance at Committee Lunch. He might take more drastic steps such as stating that if you miss 3 meetings without good reason you have to resign.
The OUSU motion to get rid of the safety bus passed last night. This means that at the moment there is no service to get people home at night from College. The working group (Women’s Officers and Caitlin and Dan) are hoping to put a taxi fund in place and will get to work with more urgency now that this is the case.
1. Opt in donations (Dan)
An anonymous donor has said that he’ll give the College £250,000 if 90% students agree to become donors to the College. This could involve students giving as small an amount as £1 a year. Claudia said that people who have just left find it hurtful when they are instantly asked for money, and that the telethon was very pleased to have a 56% participation rate. Joe Mansour said that with people forgetting to opt-out, or not realising the consequences of the system, it was a kind of deceit, based on one man’s whimsical attitude to donating. Dan said that sometimes opt-in systems actually end up with a higher participation rate in respect to donating money than opt-out systems. He also pointed out that it is highly likely that more than 10% of people would opt out. Tom Posa pointed out that a quarter of a million pounds would do a lot of good for the JCR members and the College, so it might be worth encouraging people to give a pound a year to ensure this came to College. We took a poll, and just over half the Committee thought that it was “not a bad idea” to look into making this change.
2. Mooncup workshops (Rivka)
Following the last GM in which we passed a motion agreeing to reimburse Mooncups purchased by members of the JCR, Rivka mentioned that she is thinking of doing an informal workshop about their usage. We agreed to pass ÂŁ5 for Rivka to buy biscuits for said workshop. Richard is happy to help her set up a screen in the Massey Room.
3. Freshers Week Committee (Krista)
Krista said that constitutionally there should be regular meetings of this committee (entz, lindsey, access and admissions) and anyone else that wants to come throughout this term. There will be a first meeting this week.
- Izzy and Claudia raised the possibility of a consent workshop in Fresher’s Week. Richard pointed out that Wadham trialled it last year, so it would be worth finding out how that went. There would be an optional one in 5th week this term, and then people could be trained for the one in Freshers Week. If the workshop were to be compulsory it would have to go through a GM.
- Darryl said that welfare tea usually use cups and tea from Pantry, and that last week there was a lot of dirty stuff left – so please can people clear this up!
- Tom Posa said that the GM clashes with various events in the University, so he doesn’t think that Sunday evening is the best time to have a GM. His two thoughts were earlier on a Sunday, (which I pointed out clashed with choir whose members often overlap with committee members). Saturday evening seemed like a slightly more popular option, if it alternated with bops (which in Michaelmas are roughly every other week). Dan suggested sending out a doodle poll by email. Richard was against having a meeting in the evening during the week. Tom said that the options on his doodle poll were likely to be as it is now, Saturday evening, or Sunday lunch time.
- Joe Mansour asked if anyone had any thoughts on jazzing up welfare tea given that it’s going on every night. Aisha suggested having it aimed at different specific things. Rivka suggested getting board games out, or having activities like icing biscuits. Anna said that welfare tea is much better attended this term than last, particularly by third years.
- Max said that Denise’s father has sadly passed away, so we would are going to do a collection next week to buy her flowers.
- Dan said that he would like to buy a telescope in memorial of Andrew Kirkham. So next term we are looking for ways to buy a decent telescope. Aisha suggested doing a bop with a space theme and then charging entry, or collecting money in a different way. We need to talk to the Entx officers about this!
- Dan also said that all Colleges especially Balliol are complaining about the Christmas festival that happened in St Giles last year, so it won’t really happen this year. The children’s procession with candles also won’t happen. Dan suggested that the council send years five and six children to us, and we entertain them in a Christmassy afternoon session. Joe suggested getting the children to sing in the Chapel, Aisha suggested a cake baking session, get the children to make decorations or cards.
- There is going to be a referendum on whether OUSU should stay affiliated to the NUS, and Dan thinks that we should invite the leaders of each side of the campaign to speak before our GM.