2014 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 7th week, Michaelmas 2014 (2014-11-26)Attendance
Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Anna Hufton (Dr. WHO), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Ross Cathcart (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Sam Bumby (Access and Admissions Officer), Anonymous (Access and Admissions Officer), Nina Plowfields (Affiliations Officer), Henry Wisbey-Broom (Charities and RAG Officer), Aisha Simon (Charities and RAG Officer), Colm Britchfield (Design & Maintenance Officer), James Kavanagh (Design & Maintenance Officer), Elizabeth Tulloch (Student Disabilities Officer), Kelly Brotherhood (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Environment & Ethics Officer), Rivka Micklethwaite (Environment & Ethics Officer), Holly Marriott-Webb (John de Balliol), Harry Rimmer (John de Balliol), Thomas Posa (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Ian McFarlane (LGBTQ Officer), Alastair Bassett (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (Website & Computing Officer)
Absent with apologies: Joe Mansour (Dr. WHO), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Caitlin Tickell (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Robert Walmsley (Affiliations Officer), Alex Cheng (Entz Officer), Izzy Williams (Women's Officer), Claudia Freemantle (Women's Officer)
Absent without explanation: Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Eniola Oyesanya (Ethnic Minorities Officer)
Matters Arising
- Elections [Krista]
- Voting for Charities [Aisha]
1. Elections [Krista]
Krista would like people to help on Sunday elections – counting votes and scrutinizing. She will send an email. Hustings start tonight at half past seven.
2. Voting for Charities [Henry for Aisha]
Aisha has had a meeting with Rose about this. Max has written a formula for dividing charity money based on voting preferences. We passed £20 for the Charities officers to buy refreshments for a consultation in the JCR on this – probably next Wednesday. MD explained the formula. SB explained that we vote on optional charity levies. CW said that we should look at the minutes from three years ago when the charities were voted on individually.
Richard will look into people uploading their handover packs online.
Termly/Annual reports will be due in Monday of 8th.
Dan Turner is going to buy the Christmas tree for the JCR. The Dean is fairly opposed to a Christmas event, but we think that we can still manage to have a decorating event with mulled wine and mince pies.
AH said that she thought that the post-elections celebration might make people sad. She wonders if we could not make it into a huge thing. Also maybe we could change the reading out of numbers if people do badly. RM said that he thought that it was important to know numbers. AH said that we could still put them online. AS said that we could just Presidential elections by reading out numbers. For Sundays elections we will trial just reading out names.
RM explained the bins in College: there is a food bin, and then a normal and recycling bin. The normal-and-recycling bin is sorted through, but if there is any human waste in there, everything is lost (ie nothing can be recycled). RM is passing this onto the next E and E. DT recommended that RM email Jo Roadknight about this.