2015 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2015 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 5th week, Hilary 2015 (2015-02-18)


    Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative)), Richard May (Secretary), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Amy Ford (Dr. WHO), Gaetano Iannetta (Foody), Ryan Diamond (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Jess Poole (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alice Farrell (Access and Admissions Officer), Xavier Greenwood (Access and Admissions Officer), Florence Hardy (Design & Maintenance Officer), Jack Wheatley (Design & Maintenance Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Colm Britchfield (John de Balliol), Daisy Pearson (Environment & Ethics Officer), Anne Williamson (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Cameron Kigonya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Samuel Gibb (LGBTQ Officer), Alex McKenzie (Website & Computing Officer), Charlotte Suttle (Women's Officer), Kathryn Pritchard (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Emily Barradell (Affiliations Officer), George Badger (Charities and RAG Officer), Emily Webb (Charities and RAG Officer), Daisy Porter (Student Disabilities Officer), Matthew Lynch (Entz Officer), Benjamin Atueyi (Entz Officer), Indigo Wilde (LGBTQ Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Thomas Posa (Dr. WHO), Michael Wrathall (Foody), James Kavanagh (Affiliations Officer), Calum Jacobs (Environment & Ethics Officer), Oliver Johnson-Munday (John de Balliol)


    Matters Arising
    1. Birthday cards
    2. Freshers' page
    1. Descriptions [Duncan]
    2. Noticeboards [Molly & Duncan]
    3. Bop cleanup [Aisha]
    4. Institutional Memory [Duncan]
    5. Mirrorless Monday [Molly]
    6. Tidy Pantry [Duncan]


    Matters Arising

    The Facebook page was discussed at the previous Welfare Subcommittee, and it was suggested that the matter be brought to a GM. Molly said she felt it would be more productive as an informal discussion rather than a motion, and there was a broad consensus in favour of this.


    1. Duncan said that the Dean had contacted him regarding the descriptions of some of the roles on the Committee website, and that she felt some of the descriptions went above and beyond what the JCR did. Duncan suggested people read through their descriptions and make any necessary changes.
    2. Molly said the noticeboards needed doing. Duncan suggested it be organised via the Committee facebook page. Richard Ware asked what people thought of noticeboards in the bar, and it was remarked that there were boards outside Pantry that were largely unused.
    3. Aisha asked that everyone (including those not on cleanup) could help shepherd people out of the JCR. Duncan mentioned that the officer training corps dinner was happening at the same time as our bop, and potentially the bop could be extended slightly so as to avoid clashing.
    4. Duncan said he'd promised to send institutional memory sheets round to everyone, and that he was doing so now.
    5. Molly said that next week was Eating Disorders Awareness week, and that she had obtained permission from College to cover mirrors (not including those in people's rooms) with paper. Originally she had planned to ask for money, but was now using her budget instead. She asked if anyone would like to help them; it was suggested that D&M participate, and Aisha volunteered too.
    6. Duncan said that he had received a complaint from a JCR member saying that the tables outside Pantry were getting excessively messy. It was suggested that the Foodies send an email round the JCR encouraging people to clear their crockery after eating. 


    • John said that someone was looking for the rounders kit, and asked if it was anyone here.
    • John said that on Sunday he had been mandated to investigate buying a tank, and that he had fulfilled said investigation. 
    • Sam wanted to clarify that whether a bopset would be lost as a result of the bop time change. Duncan said that he presumed so, but that the (absent) Entz officers would probably be the best people to ask.
    • Alex asked if anyone could help tidy up after GMs.
    • Flo asked if they could spend £10 for a new projector cable, and it was passed.
    • Molly said that she was running a film night tomorrow, and asked if anyone would like to attend. Amy said there were a number of other events, including meditation with the Junior Dean, Port in a Storm and more.Â