2016 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 3rd week, Hilary 2016 (2016-02-03)Attendance
Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Frederick Potts (Foody), Zachary Leather (Foody), Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Ruby Breward (Design & Maintenance Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Entz Officer), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer)
Absent without explanation: Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol)
- Matters Arising
- Paying Nepotist musicians [Oli]
- Accessible spaces in Jowett [Racheal & Daisy]
- Balliol/New College joint event update [James]
Annie welcomed the Committee. She informed the committee that next week we would co-opt as yet unfilled non-committee offices (picture fund rep, other things, this humble Secretary didn't quite catch them all, but it'll be better reported next week), a second affiliations officer, a second DSO officer, and a member of welfare-subcommittee for Facebook administration.
Oli asked the Committee for £50 to pay the musicians who were employed at Nepotists (made necessary due to the broken organ and lack of access to the piano). He reported that A&B makes no profit from Nepotists, hence the need to ask for the money now, and that doesn't like Christmas. He reported that the musicians were five students who “worked very hard and should be paid”.
He reported that College agreed to 'top-up' any money passed by the JCR to pay the musicians, though he had yet to receive precise figures.
The Committee passed £50.
Rachael reported that the women's officers were attempting to choose an accessible toilet in Jowett where people could access products such as tampons and condoms, and were inviting suggestions of spaces.
Iggy asked if there were public toilets in Jowett, Alberto replied that there is a small toilet near the laundry room, but most toilets are closed off most of the time.
Molly clarified that the conception of the lifts not working in Jowett is in fact not a conception but rather a misconception, and hence the floor on which the space is should not be a problem.
Cealach reported that condoms cannot be kept openly in any space as there may be concerns of people tampering with them. She suggested that in the long term, we could think about a condom machine for Jowett. It was noted that there was only one instance of this reported from another college, and the Committee agreed that it was very unlikely that such a thing would occur in Jowett, however it is a concern that should be born in mind when considering the distribution of condoms.
Annie clarified that at this stage, the idea was to replicate tampon mountain somewhere in Jowett, and asked the womens' officers to investigate appropriate spaces further.
Molly suggested to James that he contact the previous member of staff involved in the installation of the previous condom machine.
James reported that he has spoken to his friend in New College, and reported that Saturday of 5th is infeasible for both colleges (bop+charity-musical hype). The current idea is to move the event to Trinity (possibly combining it with another event, such as the June Jamboree).
Nicky asked what happens to the money that has been allocated, James replied that the money would be re-requested next term.
Molly reminded people to use email in addition to Facebook.
She reported that the sign language class in fifth week and is having difficulties finding a space as LR23 is not available to be booked in the day time. It was clarified by Darryl that Committee Lunch is an exception to this rule.
Rooms such as the Massey room and Bajpai rooms were suggested once Molly informed the Committee that the classes will be for twenty people, however these were decided to be inappropriate due to accessibility concerns.
It was suggested that the class take place in the buttery annex, which was deemed to be agreeable.
Annie asked the Committee to pass money for the ear-buds she had bought for the JCR, half of which are currently available to the JCR, the rest have been withheld to top up supplies later.
Molly reported that on Friday she is holding the first Balliol accessibility working group and asked the Committee to attend at 5:30pm in the Buttery Meeting Room.
Rachael reported that her and Daisy recently attended a first responder class, and suggested that Welfare subcommittee should be mandated to do the classes, which are free.
Ste offered the point of information that this would not have to be passed at a GM as the Standing Orders provide for the Committee to mandate officers in the same clauses that allows GMs to mandate officers.
Hugo offered the point of information that the possibility of mandating officers on Welfare Subcommittee to attend the classes has been discussed at a GM, so it would be bad form to mandate through Committee in this instance.
Daisy Cutts asked what the classes were; Rachael gave details of the class (described as a similar format to consent workshops, but about responding to disclosure).
James suggested we could also encourage officers to attend, rather than mandate them.
Richard told the Committee that Keeley Mortimer would like to start implementing vac res online and asked if there would be a group in Committee who would be interested in testing the proposed system.
Cealach reported that she had discussed bop clean-up with Aisha (the previous VP), who suggested that the entire Committee do the next bop clean-up (barring possibly those who did bop clean-up for the last bop) so that everyone is made aware of the process of bop clean-up, and implementing a system of mandating a randomly allocated pair of Committee to run clean-up for each bop, and asked if people would find such a system fair. She suggested that the VP would still be running the overall management of bop clean-up so that there is no major disaster if an unexpected dilemma arises.
Nicky suggested that post-bop is not the best time to learn how to do bop clean-up with so many people. Cealach replied that the job is simple enough and described where the mops are; they're in pantry.
Nicky suggested a bop clean-up writeup to explain to people what is expected of them in advance of the bop.
Alberto asked what would happen with the megabop; Cealach responded that we are not responsible for clean-up.
Annie suggested not asking all of committee to do clean-up, but rather a larger contingent than usual, and that we start the rotation of people responsible for bop clean-up with Cealach at the next bop, and then randomly allocating after this.
Xav asked the Committee to be responsible and available to provide assistance during the megabop.
Annie asked if any members of the Committee would be interested in providing the third Balliol vote at the OUSU meeting tonight. Cealach suggested to freshers that its a good way of becoming aware of student governance.
Darryl advertised the Arts Subcommittee meeting.