2016 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2016 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 4th week, Hilary 2016 (2016-02-10)


    Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Zachary Leather (Foody), Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Entz Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Frederick Potts (Foody), Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Ruby Breward (Design & Maintenance Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol)


    1. Matters Arising
    2. Committee Co-Options
    3. Non-Committee Co-Options
    4. Selling traditional Romanian Accessories [Eliza]
    5. Charity Musical Super Soakers [Rivka & Sophie]
    6. Trans flag money [Ele]
    7. BYOB money [Hubert]
    8. JCR Renovations [Cealach]
    9. Prescription charges [Molly]
    10. Craft Cupboard [Molly]


    Annie welcomed the Committee. She told the Committee that there are a number of co-options. She explained the process of co-option to the new Committee members.

    The Committee decided to take hustings consecutively, and then vote once all hustings had been conducted.

    Abby and Sam ran for SDO. Abby explained that she really cares about JCR welfare and wants to contribute. She explained that she has personal experience as a disabled student. She outlined the importance of openness and acceptance within the JCR, and a well informed JCR for welfare purposes. She pledged to raise awareness of assistance given by the college for students with disabilities. She explained that she'd be very keen to get to work with eating disorders week, and to push for accessible working spaces. She pledged to organise information giving meetings for the JCR on an annual basis.

    Sam explained that his experience has prompted him to run for the position. He explained that he was the co-chair of the LGBTQ Disabilities working group, and Disabilities Rep of the LGBTQ campaign. He explained that he was the LGBTQ rep last year, he explained that he had experience in dealing with college with room allocation. He explained that he would focus on awareness of assistance that was available anonymously. He said this would entail setting up an anonymous forum online. He explained the details of a similar initiative within the building of the JCR, again emphasising the importance of anonymity. He explained that he'd like to bring a motion to a GM trigger warnings on doors when the JCR is showing potentially triggering films.

    Annie invited questions for the nominees. There were none.


    The Committee began hustings for Drama Soc President. Conor was the only nominee for the Drama Soc president. He explained that he has been engaged in drama around Oxford, and recently particularly in Balliol, having began Playlliol last year. He explained that he and his Drama Soc Committee have reformed the society using “all of the powers he has the right to wield” (in a less threatening way than it sounds). He explained that the society has been responsible for the renovation of the Pilch and the subsequent success of showings at the Pilch.

    Annie invited questions for Conor. There were none. Conor left to go to the Pilch. This potentially worked in his favour.


    The Committee began hustings for Affiliations Officer. Saad was the only nominee for affiliations. He explained that he'd be 'perfectly capable' at voting on behalf of the JCR at OUSU council.

    Annie invited questions to Saad. Aidan asked Saad's motivation. Saad asked 'why not'. Aidan believed this to be 'fair'.

    Meg asked about how Saad intended to engage with the MCR. Saad said he didn't know. Cealach offered the point of information that there isn't an analogous position in the MCR so the responsibility of the affiliations officer to engage with the MCR is somewhat nominal.

    Xav C asked how Saad would go about surmising the view of the JCR on political issues. Saad explained that regular attendance at the GMs would provide him with a reasonable account of the JCRs general opinions.


    The Committee invited nominations for Picture fund rep. Aidan ran for the position. He explained that he likes pictures, and has decorated his room fairly well, with which Xav and Sophie agreed. He explained that he was impressed by the possession of pictures by the JCR and would like to take some responsibility for this collections.

    Xav C asked if he liked funds, noting that in his husts, Aidan had only expressed a fondness for pictures. Aidan replied that he prefers pictures to funds, but he is still interested in funds.

    Sophie asked his favourite picture in Balliol. Aidan said that it was one of the pictures in his room. 'The one of the snake that I got my friend to design.' He invited the Committee to see his picture. Not all at once.


    The Committee began hustings for Comrade Bike Rep. Matt was the only nominee. He explained that he likes cycling and bikes. He elucidated further that he in fact owns a bike. He told the Committee that he has discussed the position with James Letten and believes that this has suitably informed him of the role. He explained that he has plans to replace the bike bag with a bike box. He expressed his understanding of the commitment to organising a bike auction in Michaelmas.

    Molly asked what advice he would give someone who's bike was stolen. He explained that he would give advice to prevent such an issue occurring in the future, but that otherwise, the powers of Comrade Bike Rep are not far reaching enough to have much in the way of responding to such a problem.

    Iggy asked what he would do if something was stolen within Balliol, and what provisions there would be to prevent this. He explained that he would affirm the importance of personal responsibility in taking personal precautions against theft even within college.


    The Committee began hustings for Drama treasurer. Utsav was the only nominee for the position. He explained his fondness for drama, and previous experience training with OUSU for treasurer. He has previously worked successfully with Conor, and stressed that he would be fiscally prudent, and prompt.

    Annie invited questions for Utsav. There were none.


    Annie invited nominations for Drama soc secretary. There were no nominations (at least not immediately; keep reading).


    The Committee commenced voting for the various positions for which there had been hustings.


    Conor was co-opted as Drama Soc president by the Committee.


    Utsav was co-opted as Drama Soc treasurer by the Committee.


    Matt was co-opted as Comrade Bike Rep by the Committee.


    Saad was co-opted as Affiliations officer by the Committee.


    Aidan was co-opted as Picture Fund Rep by the Committee.


    Sam was co-opted as SDO by the Committee.


    Eliza explained that she was president of the Romanian Society, who are attempting to raise money for a young girl about to go to high school, who has never owned a computer to purchase such equipment. She explained the intention of the Romanian Society to manufacture Romanian/Bulgarian accessories to sell to the JCR. She asked the Committee to make the initiative known among the JCR, explaining that the accessories have a rich tradition which she believes the JCR would be interested in should they be told of it. She suggested asking Pantry to sell the accessories from behind pantry, as well as emailing the JCR, and speaking at a GM.

    Zack responded that Pantry would be fine, space-providing. Eliza demonstrated an example, Zack replied that this would be fine. Annie asked if this would wait til the Krispy Kreme doughnuts have sold, Zack replied that he feels no need to particularly wait.

    The Committee was supportive of Eliza's suggestions.


    Lottie appeared from literally nowhere to run for Drama Soc Secretary. She explained her engagement and involvement with the Drama Soc, and listed various responsibilities she had undertaken to evidence her organisational skills.

    Annie invited questions from the Committee. There were none.


    Rivka explained that two of the props of the charity musical will be two Super Soakers, which would also be useful to the JCR afterwards. Molly and Cealach offered the information that the JCR owns small water pistols. Xav G pointed out that these were definitely not Super Soakers.

    Molly asked how much a Super Soaker costs. Rivka reported that she believes – based on searches by Juliet – the cost to be around £15.

    Zack asked how the Super Soakers would be useful to the JCR. Rivka responded that they would be useful in a similar nature to the scooters the JCR purchased the previous year.

    The Committee passed up to £50.


    Ele reported that Balliol will be flying a trans flag this year, and also reported that there currently exists a larger flag that needs either support or repair. She reported that a typical flag costs £8.

    Daisy Cutts suggested that she may be able to repair the flag.

    Annie suggested that Ele talk to the MCR to purchase half of the flags. Ele supported this.

    The Committee passed £20.


    Hubert reported that he doesn't know how many people intend to attend BYOB, and the intention to keep costs below £2 per person, so would like to pass £50 to subsidise the costs for attendees. Darryl clarified that Hubert would be using his budget in addition to the £50.

    The Committee passed £50.


    Molly noted that the JCR is reimbursing prescriptions. She asked if people were able to reimburse annual payments which tend to be approximately £100. Darryl reported that there wasn't money within the fund as yet since the levy has yet to come in.

    Molly asked if we'd be able to reimburse such costs.
    Darryl suggested that monetarily, it would be possible, however it is a large figure.

    James asked if the motion contained provisions for only one-off £8.20 payments, it was generally believed that the motion also took into account long-term costs.

    Molly emphasised that the annual payments cost much less per prescription, and hence financially it would make sense for the JCR to reimburse this.

    Annie suggested that while such reimbursements are in the spirit of the policy, the system may not yet be able to accommodate this. Darryl agreed, and said that more discussion needs to be had.

    Annie clarified that at the moment such provisions don't exist, but the policy could be reformed in future.


    Molly informed the Committee of the existence and position of the Craft Cupboard, and detailed the contents of the cupboard (it's crafts) and emphasised its communal nature (reminding the Committee to replace materials once they are used).


    Cealach reported that she has had prices back from Maintenance after discussions with Nick the Electrician; there is a need for new bobs for track lighting (one set for trialling purposes) and ordering new side lights. She reported that she would ask the JCR at a GM for around £1500, detailing individual costs (including the repainting of the JCR). She expressed that the money would not all be used, and explained that this would be emphasised to the JCR.

    Molly asked when this would be completed.

    Cealach reported that track lights are immediate, side lights would probably be done over Easter.

    Xav C suggested that we take this opportunity to sort out the wiring of the projector. Cealach suggested Xav C discuss this with Nick the Electrician. Xav C suggested waiting til the new projector is installed.

    Darryl reported we contribute around £240 to a fund termly for fixing equipment to which the College also contributes, and that this fund would be more appropriate.

    Richard asked if windows were being considered for renovations. Cealach responded that she had invited suggestions and this had not came up. Richard suggested we need windows that shut, and sound proof windows.

    Meg asked for clarification about what painting of the JCR entailed, and whether there would be discussion with the JCR. Cealach responded that the idea for painting is currently very open, with Maintenance agreeing to source the paint.

    Darryl reported that an appropriate way to proceed would be taking £1000 from the fund, and £500 from general funds at a GM.

    The Committee discussed various forms of lighting in the bar regarding who to meet with to discuss this. Aidan wants a dimmer switch in his room.


    Lottie was co-opted as Drama Soc Treasurer by the Committee.


    Sophie raised the issue of a questionable poster regarding homeless donations in the Pidge room that expresses the belief that “giving money to homeless people may be killing them,” and suggested removing this. James suggested discussing this with the porters as it may be there poster. Iggy reported that she had previously removed the poster, and it had been replaced last year.

    Xav C offered the point of information that this isn't an uncommon view expressed by the poster, while noting his personal disagreement.

    Annie suggested that personal feeling is unimportant, as the post room is not a place for what may be even slightly contentious posters.

    James agreed to discuss this with the porters.

    Xav G questioned the need for discussion rather than removal.

    James agreed to remove the poster.


    Xav G asked the Committee for £15 to buy tennis balls for the JCR to use. He also reported the existence of JCR communal tennis racquets. Annie suggested including this in the next sports email. Nicky suggested creating an inventory of communal equipment in the JCR to clarify this for the JCR.

    The Committee passed £15.


    Darryl suggested that the Committee is setting a dangerous precedent of the Committee paying for sports equipment when it should be the club's purchase, and suggested the Committee loan money to the Sports Committee, rather than passing it outright.

    Xav G suggested that this particular expenditure is different to simply giving the Sports Subcommittee money, as the expenditure is explicitly for the JCR.

    It was suggested that the £15 be asked for at the next sports committee meeting.


    The meeting was adjourned.