2014 Finance Subcommittee

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2014 Finance Subcommittee

    Date: Friday 5th week, Hilary 2014 (2014-02-21)

    Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Matthew Lynch (Foody)


    1. Staffing
    2. JCR Finances [Max]
    3. Pantry [Matt & Darryl]
    4. Lindsay Bar [Alex]
    5. AOB


    1. Staffing
      • MD recieved multiple applications for Siobhan's post. He has invited 12 people of the 60 plus to intervivew, which will be carried out with Maureen.
    2. JCR Finances [Max]
      • Not that much has happened. MD would like to bring a GM motion to align levies with expenditure.
    3. ​Pantry [Matt & Darryl]
      • ​Pantry had a really good third week with takings back up and low costs. Fourth week had high costs so made a small loss even though takings were high. The Exeter boycott has not made a big of a difference to Pantry takings as we were expecting. There have been various changes to food - fish and chips scrapped, fresh burgers. Doug has given permission for Formal Pantry on Tuesday of 7th. There will also be a pancake day. Stephen is doing well.
    4. Lindsay Bar [Alex]
      • Takings are about £700 down from last term. Second week was really good but it has been coming down slightly since then. Orders are slightly lower than they have been, and AM thinks order costs will come down throughout this term. Heineken did a survey of the bar facilities and they are not good. We would have to buy a large cooling unit in the cellar, and buy a new cooling unit for the cellar. If Heineken accounts team decide they would supply us and the JCR want Heineken drinks then we would have to buy these things. If not we don't need to spend the money yet.
    5. AOB
      • DBL asked about Crazy Tuesdays - AM said this week was poor but 2nd week made £1200. Generally it's average £900-1000. AM suggested that people don't come from other colleges any more. Happy hour is in place, and KH advocated doing more advertising.