With all three members of the Lindsey team now being ginger, Ginger Soc official claims to run the Lindsey.

With all three members of the Lindsey team now being ginger, Ginger Soc official claims to run the Lindsey.
Did you know that Balliol provides free swimming at Iffley for all its undergraduates? Well, now you most definitely do! Slots can easily be booked via the Oxford Sports App.
Have you ever struggled to optimise your time spent in the pool? Fear not! My revolutionary method swimming by squares is here to help! The only requirement is a rudimentary grasp of the from time to time challenging concept of a square number; then you are free to really enjoy swimming. As one avid swimmer put it,
By activity your university provided linux user account you can create a personal website.
Check out mine here. This is a bit of fun in case you ever get bored of staring at your phone screen for too long and would like to look at your computer screen for a bit :)).
You need to activate your shell account, which can be done by clicking here. Then open a terminal on your computer and type,
With the start of the new year we also have a new committee! The JCR is brimming with excitement at what they will achieve. Below is the list of elected members. They can create accounts on the website with nice pictures and descriptions to be added to the official record of committees past and previous; this can be viewed here.
We are consulting on the termination of the BalliolGALLERY.
Thoughts, comments and concerns are welcomed here.
We are now accepting the submission of custom emojis for BalliolTOOT. Common sense of course applies, so no offensive emojis please.
Send small preferably small images that you would like included as a custom emoji to here, along with the name that you would like it to be referred to.
We are in the process of planning the termination of Balliol Listen.
Anyone who has concerns or issues with this should contact the IT Officer here.
The constitution and standing orders have been updated and uploaded. And a new complaints policy and procedure for financial allocation has been created.
These can all be found here.
We will now be sending out weekly updates on the Sunday of every week. These are mainly to summarise the articles that are published on the website weekly.
However emailing jcr.webmaster@balliol.ox.ac.uk with the subject Weekly Update and a title, a teaser and maybe even a link will let your update get sent out to the JCR mailing list as well.
As you can tell from the below BalliolTOOT is now setup. We will be entering a testing phase. So feel free to join the limited first subscriber run!