Ben's Voi Experiences

It had just turned 1.52 pm, the sun was bearing down uncharacteristically hot for this time of year on Balliol College. Ben knew he had 8 minutes to get to the boathouse. Something crazy must have happened earlier that day. I imagine a piano or something fell on Ben's head from the sky. Because, he knew the science pointed to an 8.2% accident rate increase, yet despite this looming forwarning he decided to hop on a Voi.



By Laurie, 30 January, 2023

Attention Patrons of the Lindsay Bar:

In order to maintain a safe and secure environment for our patrons, it is of utmost importance to address the issue of appropriate footwear. It has been observed that the usage of inappropriate footwear, particularly those with low coefficient of friction, can result in slip and fall incidents.
