
By Balliol JCR, 19 February, 2023

The initials following subjects are entirely random and in any other parallel universe would probably seem even more innocuous than here.

Biological Sciences, S.S,

We have just discovered that Walruses are in fact the only mammals to breath in Carbon Dioxide and breathe out Oxygen.

Mathematics, C.C,

It turns out that in fact calculators cannot divide by odd numbers.

History, J-P.G,


By Penny, 16 February, 2023

Welcome to the Weekly Careers-related updates:

Please note these important dates:

  • 20 February 12:00: deadline for second round of spring micro-internships

    • Micro-internships are 2-5-day voluntary opportunities (either Week 9 or 10)

By Balliol JCR, 12 February, 2023

Play trivia with other's from Balliol! Click here to test your wits against the likes of Benjamin Falconer (he was on Uni Challenge!!!) and other people.

  • Check out the categories with !trivia categories
  • Start a game with !trivia <easy|medium|hard> <questions> <...categories>. For example, a game with 10 easy questions in the General Knowledge and Animals categories would be !trivia easy 10 9 27.